The Recap, 2nd edition

Success leaves clues

The Recap, 2nd edition

For all of the new readers, I want to welcome you. It’s hard to believe, but this is the 8th weekly newsletter I have written since I relaunched in January.

My goal for the newsletter is to bring you inspiring stories from financial achievers who are ahead of you on the journey to financial freedom.

I truly believe that success leaves clues. Each one of these interviews is filled with clues. Which is why once a month, I want to recap the previous three interviews to pull out themes and actionable advice common across the group of interviewees.

If you missed the previous newsletters, you can find them here:

Don’t be afraid to fail

Samantha Postman showed us even in the face of poverty, instability, and adversity, one can overcome and succeed. Her early focus on getting an education and her entrepreneurial spirit developed at an early age, helped her achieve financial freedom. Anyone can do the same with hard work and dedication.

Dustin Bailey highlighted the importance of challenging conventional financial wisdom and embracing non-traditional patches to achieve financial freedom. After realizing his financial education was insufficient, he explored alternative strategies and eventually landed on commercial real estate. He encourages everyone to educate yourself and invest in mentors.

Accidentally Retired was not afraid to say ‘yes’ to most everything. He attributed this one word to his growth and success. He too, placed an emphasis on surrounding yourself with the right people. A good mentor can take you far.

Embrace Risks and Build Strong Networks

Throughout the three newsletters, several common themes and trends emerge:

Embrace Calculated Risks: All three individuals featured took calculated risks to achieve financial freedom, whether it involved leaving a stable job, pursuing unconventional investments, or starting a business.

Challenge Conventional Wisdom: They questioned traditional financial advice and explored alternative paths, such as real estate investing or entrepreneurship.

 Importance of Financial Education: They recognized the limitations of traditional financial education and sought knowledge from outside sources.

Overcoming Obstacles: They faced significant challenges, including childhood poverty, lack of support, and setbacks in their financial journeys, but they persevered despite these obstacles.

Building a Strong Support Network: They connected with like-minded individuals, mentors, and communities to gain support and guidance.

Actionable Advice

Based on the advice provided by the three individuals, here are some actionable steps you can take:

Evaluate Your Mindset: Reflect on your beliefs about money and success. Are they serving you, or do you need to shift your perspective?

Develop a Financial Plan: Create a financial plan that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. This can help you stay on track and make informed financial decisions.

Take Calculated Risks: Step outside of your comfort zone and embrace calculated risks that can potentially lead to financial growth. Don’t be afraid to say “Yes” and figure it out.

Invest in Yourself: Invest in your education, skills, and personal development. This can include taking courses, attending workshops, or hiring a coach or mentor.

Seek Knowledge: Continuously seek financial knowledge from books, articles, mentors, or online resources.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage your financial goals.

Don't Be Afraid to Fail: Everyone experiences setbacks along the way. Embrace failures as learning opportunities and don't give up on your dreams.

I have really enjoyed speaking with and learning from each of these people.

The thing that stands out to me about each of the six people I have interviewed is they are all just “normal” people. None of them come from extreme wealth. A big inheritance isn’t part of any of their stories.

I hope you find inspiration from this on your journey toward financial freedom.

Next week I’ll share the story of someone who did “inherit” about $600k and still ended up in massive debt. He and his wife have nearly dug their way out and both now help others.

Until next week.

p.s. When you’re ready, here’s how I can help:
1. Follow me on 𝕏 for free content including tips and tricks
2. If you want to put together a plan to fix your finances and potentially save thousands of dollars, reply to this email with subject “Coach” to discuss.

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